Are you looking for a specific model used car for sale in the Jacksonville or St. Augustine, FL area? If you do not see the used car or truck for sale within our inventory, tell us and we can find it at no charge to you, even if you do not buy it. You no longer have to flip through ads in books or newspapers, click through thousands of used car classified websites that have outdated vehicles for sale. Bozard Ford will use it's network of dealers in the St. Augustine and Jacksonville FL area to find the used vehicle you are looking for at no cost. Be as specific as possible, telling us any accessories or features you are looking for in the used car, truck, van or SUV. This will help us find the best possible match and we will notify you once the used vehicle is found. You can then come down to the St. Augustine dealership and see it first hand.
If you would prefer to speak to someone on the phone and give them the details of the used vehicle you are looking for, please call us today at 904-671-9260. Remember there is no fee or obligation with our used car finder service. We just want to help you find the perfect used car for sale in the St. Augustine and Jacksonville area!